Hutch’s Find Area
The Hutch’s Find Prospect is located around 22km southwest of the Coyote Gold Deposit and 12 kilometres south of the Tanami Track on a slight topographic rise. From analysis of aeromagnetic data and drill intercepts, there appears to be several mineralised trends that typically trend northwest to southeast (Figure 1). The mineralisation is associated with mafic unit contacts and is associated with northwest to southeast faults
The Hutch’s Find Prospect was discovered in the mid-1990s and up to the end of 2004 had 142 RC holes and 2 diamond holes completed in addition to almost 2000 shallow RAB and vacuum holes. Whilst drilling results such as 10m at 5.4 g/t Au have been encouraging, explorers have failed to correlate such higher grade mineralisation between holes.

There is significant potential for high-grade structurally controlled shoots at the Hutch’s Find Prospect like Coyote or Callie. Three dimensional structural and geological compilation is likely to assist drill planning where complex folding and faulting is controlling high-grade shoot geometry.
Work planned at the Hutch’s Find Prospect includes initial compilation of data, mapping, and geochemistry. The area requires additional detailed airborne aeromagnetics and radiometrics which will be flown as part of a larger regional survey. The work will then comprise Aircore drilling of newly generated targets. Follow-up drilling of existing and newly generated targets using RC and diamond drilling is also planned over the next two years.