Camel Bandicoot Trend
The focus of gold mineralisation at Camel appears related to refolding and northeast trending structures overprinting a dominantly northwest trending antiformal feature containing a gold, arsenic and metal enriched dolerite sill (Figure 1). The metal enriched, gold and arsenic mineralised dolerite is of particular interest. Where this unit intersects prospective structure, there is potential for enrichment and remobilisation of the metals within the dolerite unit into high-grade structures and shoots in the style of Callie.

Bandicoot, which is located 12km north of Camel, mineralisation is associated with north northwest trending axial planar features which are refolded and intersected by west northwest trending Trans-Tanami faults.
At Quenda, 2km to the southwest of Camel, a magnetic high feature is interpreted as a folded dolerite sill with a north south trending axial plane. The magnetic intensity is similar to the Camel magnetic feature which has been drilled and identified as dolerite. There is potential for this unit to be mineralised at both Bandicoot and Quenda where magnetic data indicates units of a similar magnetic intensity and style (Figure 2).

The proposed exploration plan includes initial compilation of data, mapping, and geochemistry. The work will then comprise Aircore drilling of newly generated targets. Follow-up drilling of existing and newly generated targets using RC and Diamond drilling is planned over the next two years.