Afghan and Mojave
The Northern Projects cover the Afghan and Mojave/Yosemite prospects, both multi kilometre scale near surface gold anomalies (based on a greater than 0.1g/t Au maximum assay in drillhole footprint). During 2019, Newcrest drilled 12 RC holes at both projects returning broad low grade gold intercepts greater than 0.1g/t Au into fresh bedrock and ending in anomalous gold.
At Mojave, the down plunge structural extension of the drilled mineralised fold hinge, where it intersects a regional fault, is a high priority position for further drill testing (Figures 1 & 2). Given the well documented importance of following and locating the fold axial planar zones as they intersect other key structures, diamond drilling is planned to define this prospective position.

At Afghan, exploration potential exists to define broad shallow low grade mineralisation as already shown in the wide spaced drilling to date. At present only 55 holes over 7km have penetrated below 75m. Further understanding of the structural control using diamond drilling or downhole televiewer information would assist in the creation of three dimensional geology models and identification of mineralised higher grade structures to be explored by drilling (Figures 3 & 4).

Hamelin Gold has developed an exploration budget to test these existing targets with initial compilation of data, mapping and geochemistry followed by Aircore drilling of newly generated targets. Follow-up drilling of existing and newly generated targets using RC and diamond drilling is planned over the next two years.